Big Truth: Believing god’s promises makes us brave
TALK about a promise! If you didn’t already, can you think of a promise that doesn’t depend on you doing something to get the promise? It’s hard isn’t it - but God makes so many wonderful promises, and he keeps them, because he is good - even when we aren’t.
WATCH the Bible Story Video or READ from the Biggest Story Bible Storybook
Can you remember any of the big promises that God made to Abraham? He would make a huge nation of people who are his, they would know his blessing and they would have a place to live, with Him.
It’s hard to remember the promises that God makes. Do you think God forgets his promises? No! It might look like it as we wait, but God always keeps his promises.
What were the two reports from the spies? All the spies saw the same thing, why do you think some of the spies were afraid and Joshua and Caleb weren’t? Joshua and Caleb remembered that God is mighty and strong and he keeps his promises and he will keep his promise to give his people the promised land!
TALK about what things God asks us to do in His word, that we find hard to do and so sometimes we don’t do them.
PLAY spies - dress up and go big if you like. Then report back on all that you see out of your window. What looked good - what looked scary?!
Try and memorise Numbers 14 v9
You read it > look up any words you don’t understand > you read it and skip words for children to fill > you read it > they read it
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