Big Truth: God FORGIVES ANd forgets our sins
TALK about any special days in the year when everybody does something different? Christmas day, Easter Sunday, birthdays??
WATCH the Bible Story Video or READ from the Biggest Story Bible Storybook
What was the special day in this story called? The Day of Atonement
What happened on this day? The holiest person in Israel, would go into the holiest place of the holy place to stand before the holy God and talk to God about the sins of all the people
What does this tell us about God? He is holy!
What does atonement mean? Paying the price for sin.
One of the goats was killed as a way of asking for and a sign that we are forgiven. The other goat was taken away as a way of showing that sin is taken away, forgotten. They are a substitute. How is Jesus a better substitute that these goats? He was killed for all sins as the ultimate substitute who dies to pay the price for sin, taking it away. He is the ultimate atonement for sin.
TALK about why our sin has to be forgiven and forgotten. God is holy but we are not, so we need Jesus.
PLAY drawing straws - cut some straws into different lengths and take in turn to choose a straw from somewhere where they all appear to be the same length. Whoever pulls out the longest straw wins. Then bring out a perfect straw - this represents Jesus. No matter how good we are, we never measure up to Jesus and his perfection - we need Jesus so we can be God’s people.
Try and memorise Hebrews 10 v10
You read it > look up any words you don’t understand > you read it and skip words for children to fill > you read it > they read it
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