Our Values
As a church we hold to four key values.
In January 2019 we preached on each of the 4 values which you can listen to here.
prioritising god’s word
We believe that the good news of Jesus is God’s rescue plan to bring us back to God and has the power to transform lives. (Romans 1v16) It is the heartbeat of the church and has been revealed to us by God’s word through the work of the spirit. That’s why we’ll give much time to reading the Bible, biblical preaching and small group discussion. We’re called to hold tightly to the truth found in the pages of the Bible (2 Tim 3v14-17) and pray that the spirit will convict, bring new life, encourage and equip those who believe to continue in obedience and faith.
depending on god
The world desires independence from God’s word and God’s reign. As hearts are changed people begin to recognise that we’re all dependant on God for all things – life, salvation, health etc etc. We appreciate that at times we’re all in danger of feeling and acting independently of God – his guidance and grace. We want to keep reminding each other of our utter dependance on God for everything through prayerfulness (Phil 4v6) and praise (Eph 5v19-20)
caring for church family
We believe that meeting together each Sunday is crucial.
This is where we get fed by God’s word, sing praises to him, share in the Lord’s supper and enjoy being together.(Acts 2v42) However we appreciate that ‘church’ is far more than a meeting! The Christian life is not meant to be private or selective. We’re on a journey, sharing life, serving each other, and growing in faith together. (Acts 2v46-47). Real community is built on love, trust and vulnerability and we invite and welcome anyone, through relationships to come and see and be part of a wider family!
reaching people in bicester and beyond
The heart of Jesus was one of compassion for those who did not know him (Matt 9v36) as he came to seek and save that which is lost.
This is recognised in two ways.
We want to equip and encourage each other to live and speak for Jesus with those we do life with, in and around Bicester. We want to be expectant that God by his grace, through Jesus, would bring new birth and transformation to many and play our part in making disciples who go onto make disciples of others.
We want to be a church that cares for and serves the physical, material and social needs of people in and around Bicester and the wider world.
Interested in finding out more?
Why don't you join us at one of our Sunday Gatherings?