Big Truth: God gives his good rules so we can live free lives that reflect him
TALK about rules - are they good or not?Talk about playing a game that your child likes, without any of the rules. What would it be like? CHAOS! God gives His people good rules to follow to show how good he is, to know how to love Him, enjoy Him and reflect Him.
Watch the Bible Story Video or READ from the Biggest Story Bible Storybook
What order did God do things…did he save the people or give them rules first? save them first. God doesn’t tell us to be good so that we deserve to be saved, he saves us when we don’t deserve it, because he loves us! (read 20 v2-3)
Write out the 10 commandments and cut them into individual strips of paper. Then sort the commandments into 2 lists:
The four that focus on loving God above anything else (with all our heart, soul, mind and strength - Ex 20 v3-11) One God - “You shall have no other gods before me.”; No idols - “You shall not make for yourself a carved image.” ; Watch your mouth - “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.”; Take a rest -“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
Then the 6 that focus on loving others (Ex 20 v12-17) Honour your parents - “Honour your father and your mother.” ; Don’t murder - “You shall not murder.”; Don’t cheat on your husband or wife - “You shall not commit adultery.”; Don’t steal - “You shall not steal.”; Don’t lie -“You shall not bear false witness.”; Don’t dream about other people’s stuff -“You shall not covet.”
Why does God give us these rules to follow then, if he has already saved us? To enjoy life with him as the best way to live. To make him look like the great God that he is. It is our special joy as God’s children!
TALK about if we are able to keep God’s commandments perfectly? Which are the hardest for us? Does God still love us even if we cannot follow his rules? Why should we try to follow his rules? What might help us to follow his rules?
Try and memorise Exodus 20 v2-3
You read it > look up any words you don’t understand > you read it and skip words for children to fill > you read it > they read it
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