Watch the Bible Story Video and pick some of the questions and activities to explore the story:
What is a ‘Promise’? To say that you will do something
What promise did God make to Abraham that made him and Sarah laugh? They would have a child.
BREAK: Abraham had to be so patient to wait for God to keep his promise, he was 100 years old by the time that Issac was born. Play the red light - green light game to explore ‘waiting’. You have to get from one side of the room / garden to the other. When I shout ‘red light’, you have to stop like a statue and wait (if I see somebody move, they go back to the start). When I shout ‘green light’, you can go!
What does ‘Sacrifice’ mean? To give something up in place of something else
What did God ask Abraham to sacrifice? Issac, his son
How do you think Abraham felt when God asked him to do this?
What does ‘Faith’ mean? Believing what God says, no matter what
Why do you think Abraham was willing to do what God said, and sacrifice his son that he had waited so long for? Because he had faith in God, he trusted God - no matter what
What happened to Issac? Was he sacrificed? He was saved - God provided an animal to be killed in his place, to rescue him.
God provided a person to save us, who was it? Jesus
Why did we need to be saved? We needed to be saved from death - the punishment for sin.
What do we need to do to be saved? Nothing, just believe that Jesus died to save us, just like God promised.
Try and memorise Proverbs 3 v5
You read it > look up any words you don’t understand > you read it and skip words for children to fill > you read it > they read it
Add some actions
Play Red Light - Green Light again
Play ‘Try not to laugh’
Face each other and see who can last the longest without laughing.
It’s hard to not laugh at things that are funny or sound unbelievable. Abraham and Sarah laughed at God’s promise, because it sounded so unbelievable. But God can do what He wants and He always keep his promises!
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