The Wonder of Easter

Junior Church Series


We spent 4 weeks looking at the amazing Easter story from the book of Luke. Catch up on the series and the follow up activities below


April 12, 2020 | The Wonder of Easter - The return of the King | Luke 19: 30, 35-40

Listen as Helen kicks off our ‘Wonder of Easter’ series, taking our children through the Easter story as told in Luke’s gospel starting with Jesus arriving into Jerusalem. Have a look at the family follow up activities to dig deeper.

Follow Up Activities


April 19, 2020 | the wonder of easter - Taken away by guards | luke 22:47-54

Helen continues our series The Wonder of Easter for our children, looking at Jesus being arrested in the Easter story from Luke’s gospel. Have a look at the follow up activities to dig deeper into what we learned together.

follow up activities


april 26, 2020 | the wonder of easter - Saved, just in time | luke 23: 32-34; 39-43

Helen continues our series ‘The Wonder of Easter’ for our children, looking at the Easter story from Luke’s gospel. This week we looked at Jesus and the 2 criminals on the cross.

Follow up Activities


May 2, 2020 | the wonder of easter - He is risen | luke 24

Watch again: The talk from our all age family gathering from Easter Sunday, where we celebrated Jesus as the risen king!

Thanks to the following for use of their material with permission:

Audio from Faith in Kids Podcast and Images from