2 Peter | Wholesome Thinking

Church at home Series

In our all-age gatherings we spent 4 weeks looking at 2 Peter, a letter written by Jesus’ friend Peter to Christians.

You’ll find all that you need to enjoy learning about how we are to think and live for God. There are talks, crafts, activities and more below.


2 Peter POSTER

For your little ones to print and decorate


2 Peter 1 v1-11


7th March 2021


Listen as Helen helps us to learn about the wonderful news that when we trust Jesus we have everything that we need to live for God!


We would love families to enjoy talking together about what they’ve heard in the all-age gathering, to think about how to live for Jesus. A great opportunity to do this is over lunch on Sunday, whilst it’s all still fresh in your mind! Here are some ideas to help get conversations going.


Help your little ones remember that trusting in Jesus is a gift and means that we have all that we need to live for God by completing the first part of our series poster. You can download the poster at the top of this page.


2 Peter 1 v12-21

God’s word is true, so remember

14th March 2021


Watch as Josh helps us to understand that the Bible is true, how we can trust that and what to do about it.

talk to walk

We would love families to enjoy talking together about what they’ve heard in the all-age gathering, to think about how to live for Jesus. Why not call the family you were in a breakout group with on Sunday to do these activities.


Help your little ones remember that God’s word is true by adding this weeks craft to their series poster. You can download the poster at the top of this page.


2 Peter 2

People tell lies about jesus, don’t listen

21st March 2021


Watch as Helen helps us to see the warning that people tell lies about Jesus


We would love families to enjoy talking together about what they’ve heard in the all-age gathering, to think about how to live for Jesus. Why not call another family this week to do these activities together.


Help your little ones see the warning about people telling lies about Jesus by adding this weeks craft to their series poster. You can download the poster at the top of this page.


2 Peter 3

JESus is coming back, so be ready

28th March 2021

Josh finishes our series in 2 Peter by helping us see that Jesus is coming back, so be ready.

We would love families to enjoy talking together about what they’ve heard in the all-age gathering, to think about how to live for Jesus. Why not call another family this week or meet for a picnic to do these activities together.

Help your little ones know that Jesus is coming back and think about how they can be ready by living ‘holy and godly’ lives. You can download the poster at the top of this page.