Faith that Lives | James

Church at home Series

In our zoom all age gatherings we looked at the book of James over 7 weeks. All of the talks and family follow up activities are below.


1 of 7 | April 19, 2020 | Faith that lives | James 1: 1-17

Listen as Helen kicks off our new series in the book of James for our children.


2 of 7 | April 26, 2020 | Faith that lives | James 2: 1-13

Listen as Helen continues our series in the book of James for our children, looking at ‘New life means New Love’. Have a look at the follow up activities to dig deeper into what we learned together.


3 of 7 | May 3, 2020 | Faith that lives | James 2: 14-26

Lancs continues our series in the book of James for our children, asking ‘What is saving faith?’. Have a look at the follow up activities to dig deeper into what we learned together.


4 of 7 | May 10, 2020 | Faith that lives | James 3: 1-12

Listen as Helen continues our series in the book of James for our children, looking at ‘New Life means New Words’. Have a look at the follow up activities to dig deeper into what we learned together.


5 of 7 | May 17, 2020 | Faith that lives | James 3: 13- 4: 12

Listen as Jeni continues our series in the book of James for our children, looking at ‘New Life means New Thinking’. Have a look at the follow up activities to dig deeper into what we learned together.


6 of 7 | May 24, 2020 | Faith that lives | James 4: 13- 5: 12

Catch up on the talk with Jonny (and his friends!) and dig deeper as a family with the follow up activities.


7 of 7 | May 31, 2020 | Faith that lives | James 5: 13-18

We finished our series in the book of James looking at ‘Faith that Lives’. This week we learned that ‘New Life means New Power in Prayer’ from James 5: 13 - 5:18. Listen to the talk with Helen and dig deeper as a family with the follow up activities.