God Cares: Jesus stops the storm

Watch the Bible story

Read Luke 8 v22-25

Sing Our God is a Great Big God or Jesus Strong and Kind

Fill a bowl or the bath with water. Create a storm in the bath and then shout ‘quiet, be still’ and see if you can stop the storm! Of course you can’t, but Jesus can and he did, because he is God, to rescue his friends - because he cares.

Jesus cared for his friends and he cares for us!

God Made: Jesus Makes a Lame Man Walk

Watch the Saddleback Kids Story

Read Mark 2 v1-11

Sing Our God is a Great Big God or Jesus is the King

Try to fix some things that don’t work, just by telling them to be fixed! It doesn’t work does it, we can’t do it! But Jesus can, and he did for the Paralysed man - he fixed his legs and he fixed his bigger problem, He forgave his sin so he could be friends with God.

Put some teddies on your bed duvet and see how high you can raise it and lower whilst keeping all the teddies on.

God Made: Jesus Feeds 5000

Watch the Saddleback Kids Story: Jesus Feeds 5,000

Read Mark 6 v30-44

Sing Our God is a Great Big God or Jesus is the King

See how many pieces you can share a piece of bread into. Maybe explain that you would need enough pieces this size to cover our whole floor / garden / house to be enough to feed 5,000 people - but Jesus did that with 2 fish and 5 loaves and the people were all stuffed!